Industrial relations


Our Employment & Safety team are experienced in advising and representing clients on all aspects of contentious and non-contentious industrial matters. Whether we are working with small, privately owned businesses, large listed entities, faith-based organisations or government, we are meticulous in providing advice that helps them make wise, strategic decisions. 

Changes to the industrial relations landscape have been fast and furious over recent years. The pace and extent of change makes it imperative for every organisation, regardless of size, to review existing policies and procedures, training programs and monitor against a risk assessment framework to test whether they are still appropriate. 

Our team’s services include:

  • advising on industrial action and the duty to bargain in good faith
  • advising on workplace change and restructures
  • conducting litigation in all industrial and discrimination tribunals and superior courts
  • providing training on legislative amendments and implications 
  • reviewing workplace policies and procedures
  • recommending effective strategies to minimise the risk of workplace disputes and industrial actions, and
  • representing clients in industrial disputes.

"They provide advice over our complex industrial agreement coverage and have shown a very deep knowledge of the instruments as well as the services we provide. Through this deep understanding, they have been able to provide exceptional advice." - Mark Cook, Former General Manager - People and Culture, Mercy Community Services 

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