Intellectual property


Our Intellectual Property (IP) team helps clients acquire, commercialise and protect intellectual property. Our advice is always practical, commercial and focused on enabling our clients to achieve their objectives and maximise the value of their IP.

Our team’s work involves advising on commercialisation and licensing of IP, including trade marks, patents and plant breeders’ rights, trade mark portfolio management, prosecutions and oppositions. We assist clients to enforce and defend IP infringements and related actions, and work with respected patent attorneys to register and prosecute patent applications. 

Additionally, we assist clients with product launches and review promotional material, including advertising campaigns for compliance with consumer law, industry codes of conduct and copyright laws. 

We often engage the expertise of our corporate and commercial, technology and AI teams. This integrated approach ensures every issue, risk and opportunity is considered so that clients have everything they need to make informed decisions with confidence. 

Our IP team’s experience spans advising on:  

  • anti-counterfeiting and brand protection 
  • commercialisation agreements 
  • compliance reviews for advertising campaigns 
  • confidential information and trade secrets, including disputes related to unauthorised use or disclosure of confidential information 
  • copyright advice, registration licensing and litigation 
  • domain name registration  
  • IP audits and IP due diligence on corporate transactions 
  • labelling 
  • licensing and sponsorship 
  • passing off, and misleading and deceptive conduct breaches 
  • patent litigation  
  • plant breeders’ rights  
  • registration and protection of designs 
  • trade mark licensing, and portfolio management and renewals 
  • trade mark opposition proceedings, and 
  • trade mark searches, registration and enforcement. 

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