Intellectual property disputes


Every business wants to protect and maximise the value of its brand assets and our team helps them do so. We know infringements need to be dealt with effectively if commercial advantage is to be maintained.  

When disputes of any type emerge, it is vital to have the right advice at the right time. Rarely do disputes arise without notice but when they do our team’s capacity, experience and service ethos ensures we are ‘on the case’ immediately and for the duration.

Clients value our team’s determination to obtain the best outcomes and our dedication to see through long-running disputes with the same team from start to finish. We operate on the basis that our success is on the line as much as our client’s.

We are always on standby to obtain urgent orders relating to actual or threatened breaches of IP rights, including copyright, trade marks, false advertising, and breaches of confidence. 
We appreciate that court litigation is most clients’ worst nightmare and do everything possible to find commercial solutions so they can get on with business. If that is not possible then we use our superior litigating skills without fear or favour.

The type of disputes we advise on include: 

  • IP litigation – infringement and revocation proceedings regarding trade marks, copyright and designs, strategies for enforcement of IP and related rights 
  • consumer protection – Australian Consumer Law breaches and passing off 
  • breach of confidence – misuse of confidential information 
  • domain name disputes – domain name disputes under the UDRP and auDRP 
  • appeals and administrative review – appeals from Trade Marks Office decisions 
  • take-down procedures – take-down procedures for online infringements, and 
  • enforcement of judgments – advice on, and enforcement of, Australian and international judgments. 

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