Digital governance, cyber & privacy


Our Digital Governance, Cyber & Privacy team (Digital Governance) is at the forefront of data protection, cyber risks and privacy law. Our team advises clients on all aspects of Australian data protection and privacy law, and assists them to understand their obligations to manage and mitigate these risks.

The work of our Digital Governance team extends from the initial stage of working with third party providers for the procurement of services and, through training with Boards for round table simulations, to assisting businesses with their response to a cyber incident. 

We also work with insurance industry participants, including London and Australian insurers and underwriters, by providing coverage advice, managing cyber breach responses and drafting cyber policy wording. 

We work with clients to:

  • update relevant policies and response plans
  • prepare escalation and decision trees 
  • review and update privacy and data collection policies and procedures 
  • ensure procurement compliance with ISO and Privacy Act requirements
  • respond to cyber incidents 
  • prepare cyber security and cyber resilience plans 
  • develop digital governance frameworks 
  • undertake digital risk assessments 
  • provide training and table top simulations 

Our team is across regulatory updates, and changing expectations on cyber security. They assess the implications and help clients understand how best to prepare for what lies ahead. 

If you require assistance for a cyber incident, please see cyber incident response and phone 1300 4 BREACH (1300 427 3224) or contact one of our team members. 

Digital governance, cyber & privacy focus

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