Privacy & data protection


We advise organisations of all sizes, and from diverse sectors, on all aspects data privacy compliance, privacy risk management and data governance.

Recent high-profile data breaches have increased public awareness of these risks and businesses need to implement preventative measures that reduce, and hopefully, eliminate the risk. 

We help clients understand their regulatory and legal obligations for managing information. Our advice and service spands handling personal information, data protection, online security, compliance with the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles. 

Our knowledge of the requirements of regulatory bodies responsible for privacy and date protection is extensive and we are constantly adapting to meet changing requirements. 

Our front end services include:

  • assisting clients to assess their risk profile 
  • developing appropriate privacy policies that adhere to the principles for data and personal information collection, use and disclosure 
  • advising on compliance effectiveness and training programs
  • developing response systems and strategies to prevent and mitigate data breaches
  • preparing privacy compliance packages for member-based organisations, and 
  • advising on the interaction between Australian privacy laws and the EU's GDPR regime.

Our data breach response services include:

  • conducting reviews of the compromised data 
  • assessing whether the data would satisfy the notifiable data breach requirements 
  • address notification requirements to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, and other regulators, and engage with law enforcement, where necessary 
  • advise on communication with third parties, including customers, employees, companies impacted by the incident and the public 
  • assisting with the notification of data breaches 
  • providing privacy advice 

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