Trade mark services


Our Trade Mark Services team comprises registered trade mark attorneys and IP lawyers with extensive experience in advising on all trade mark matters. Our clients range from start ups to large, established public and private entities.  

Our focus is on giving clients advice to protect their brands, enabling them to make the best decisions appropriate to their business strategy, risk appetite and budget.  

We offer clients expert advice in all trade mark protection, exploitation and enforcement matters, and have experience in adjacent areas of law, including misleading and deceptive conduct, passing off disputes, and advertising and marketing.  

We provide clients with the following trade mark and related services: 

  • preparation and lodgement of trade mark applications in Australia and internationally  
  • protection of non-conventional trade marks, such as shape, colour and other elements of branding 
  • trade mark clearance searches advice and monitoring services 
  • trade mark portfolio management 
  • trade mark opposition proceedings and non-use proceedings 
  • border protection work 
  • M&A trade mark due diligence and advisory work 
  • trade mark licensing and co-existence requirements, and 
  • trade mark disputes, trade mark rights against infringement dilution, counterfeiting and related litigation, and defence of infringement allegations. 

We record and track progress of our clients' trade mark applications and renewals through the use of a trade mark management software package (webTMS), providing portfolio reporting gap analyses, renewal windows and watch services as needed.

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