Work health & safety


Our WHS lawyers help clients maintain safe workplaces. Against a changing WHS legislative landscape at state and federal levels of government, the need for vigilance in reviewing existing policies and procedures is an ongoing challenge for most businesses. 

Our team gains and maintains a thorough knowledge of the clients' business and issues faced so they can overlay that context with their legal expertise and provide proactive, practical advice.

Our WHS lawyers have an astute knowledge of the range of legislative and regulatory issues that are in play to protect workers’ rights, safety and employment. 

Safety is a much broader and complex responsibility than it once was, with harmonised safety laws and new Codes of Practice routinely emerging from safety regulators. Our team is expert in assisting businesses (‘persons conducting a business or undertaking’ or PCBUs) ensure the PCBU meets the requirements of the harmonised safety laws to achieve a safe environment. 

Our team is experienced in:

  • advising directors and executives (officers) on safety compliance to meet obligations
  • assisting clients to meet the requirements of harmonised safety laws
  • recommending effective due diligence safety systems
  • reviewing policies and procedures to ensure they meet regulatory standards
  • investigating potential breaches and managing the interaction with regulators
  • defending and prosecuting safety breaches, and
  • providing tailored in-house training.

We provide an all-hours response to workplace incidents to ensure that our clients receive appropriate legal protection and assistance. 

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