Compulsory land acquisition


Our Compulsory Acquisition team are experts in advising landowners and acquiring authorities on the different compulsory acquisition frameworks operating throughout New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland, as well as under the Commonwealth. 

Our team draws on expertise from our Property & Development and Planning Government Infrastructure & Environment groups. When partnering with clients, our process of providing straightforward legal answers and practical solutions provides greater certainty around the process and outcome of acquisition projects. 

Our team has advised on many of the compulsory land acquisition projects that underpin much of the infrastructure constructed in the last decade. We are experienced in advising:

  • major Australian integrated commercial and industrial property groups
  • property developers
  • local and other authorities
  • farmers and agribusinesses
  • individual landowners and businesses with a range of interests in land, such as leases and easements
  • Indigenous groups.

Our team’s services include:

  • working with property and business valuers, and other experts, to achieve the best compensation outcomes
  • advising on access, powers of entry and pre- and post-acquisition occupation
  • helping clients understand their responsibilities and rights
  • undertaking negotiations with acquiring authorities
  • appearing at relevant tribunals and courts when required. 

Our ability to provide incisive advice is enhanced by our team members’ additional tertiary qualifications and experience in environmental law, engineering, science and urban and regional planning, and through their previous roles as in-house counsel.

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