location_on Sydney
Tamara Sims
Head of Pro Bono and Responsible Business
Tamara is the Head of Pro Bono and Responsible Business at Colin Biggers & Paisley and leads the Colin Biggers & Paisley Foundation and the practice's reconciliation activities.
Tamara has extensive experience in human rights law and social impact, with a particular passion for access to justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Tamara has experience across multiple industries including corporate, not-for-profit and government. Her contributions have impacted organisations, social institutions, employees and individuals for significant transformation.
Tamara's primary areas of practice include refugee law, victims compensation, domestic violence, housing rights and credit & debt matters. Tamara has extensive experience in running large scale public interest and human rights litigation. She is a trusted advisor to many charities, non-profits and Community Legal Centres in Australia.
Tamara leads the practice's work on Pro Bono and Responsible Business through the Colin Biggers & Paisley Foundation. The Foundation focuses on protecting and enhancing the rights of women and children, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and promoting responsible business practices. This includes involving all lawyers in the practice in pro bono legal services, examining ways the practice can make a positive impact on our communities through our core business, volunteering, in-kind support and charitable contributions.
Tamara collaborates with many social, community and legal organisations and services to address access to justice. Her primary focus is to build legal capability in individuals and organisations and to achieve systemic social impact. Tamara adopts a client centred approach and promotes the empowerment of people and communities through workplace engagement initiatives.
Admitted to the Supreme Court of New South Wales and the High Court of Australia, she is currently a Director at the Redfern Legal Centre. In addition to her Bachelor of Laws, Tamara holds a Bachelor of Arts.