Legislation passed in 2021 addresses the cyber security of critical infrastructure and introduces a notification scheme for ransomware attacks, while in 2022 we may see legislative changes to the Corporations Act and Privacy Act.
A brief outline of general themes we've seen in 2021 in planning and environment law and a summary of our expectations for 2022.
The case of Turnbull v Office of Environment and Heritage [2021] NSWCCA 190 concerned an appeal to the New South Wales Court of Criminal Appeal
The case of Buyozo Pty Limited v Ku-ring-gai Council [2021] NSWLEC 2 concerned a decision of Pepper J, which upheld an appeal to the NSW Land and Environment Court.
NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment – Crown Lands is currently focussing on addressing unauthorised development (in particular modular and storage pontoons) on foreshore Crown land and waterways.
The case of AQC Dartbrook Management Pty Ltd v Minister for Planning and Public Spaces [2021] NSWCA 112 concerned an appeal to the New South Wales Court of Appeal against a decision of the New South Wales Land and Environment Court.