Regulatory investigations & white collar crime


Regulatory investigations and enforcement activities have been on the rise for the past decade, with no sign of diminishing despite funding concerns. Our team expertly guides clients through these challenging investigations, helping manage risks to their brand and reputation. White-collar crime, a persistent threat that tends to escalate during economic crises, affects a broad spectrum of industries, from large corporations to individuals. This includes issues such as investment scams, foreign bribery, and foreign interference.

With in-depth knowledge of the legal framework governing regulatory investigations and prosecutions, our team is well-versed in the procedures of Australia’s key regulatory authorities, ensuring comprehensive support and strategic advice throughout the process.

We have long-standing relationships with clients, allowing us to deeply understand their businesses, cultures, and risk management practices. This level of business intimacy enables us to provide proactive advice on adapting to regulatory changes and preparing for investigations. Our team, including former regulators, uses these insights to guide clients through increased scrutiny on risk and compliance, such as the Australian Securities and Investments Commission's (ASIC) focus on governance and directors' duties failures.

Our approach emphasises robust systems and processes to meet regulatory obligations, complemented by training and monitoring to foster a compliance culture. We offer comprehensive support, including responses to urgent regulatory requests and enforcement actions, internal investigations, compliance training.

Our service encompasses internal investigatory compliance, training support, and responses to enforcement actions. We assist clients with urgent regulatory requests, injunctions, and other critical situations. Our experience includes handling criminal prosecutions for financial crimes like foreign bribery, insider trading, market manipulation, and workplace deaths. 

Known for our expertise in managing risks from investigations and prosecutions, we advise on matters involving ASIC, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, the Australian Tax Office, and the Australian Federal Police and critical incident mining safety regulator investigations.

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