Competition & consumer protection


No business is immune from complying with the powers of Australia’s competition and consumer laws. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has broad powers to run investigations and take enforcement action for breaches of the Competition and Consumer Act. Penalties are severe, as are the potential repercussions on a company’s reputation. 

Our team advises on the full range of competition and consumer law issues. Clients value our team’s determination to find safe ways to maximise commercial opportunities, as well as our proactivity in bringing to their attention the implications of the ACCC’s expanding powers on their businesses. 

Our experience includes advising on: 

  • anti-competitive conduct allegations
  • advertising and marketing reviews
  • cartel issues
  • compliance programs
  • consumer protection requirements
  • competition and consumer litigation
  • distribution and franchising structures
  • investigations
  • industry codes, including the Franchising Code of Conduct
  • market power
  • regulator inquiries and interviews
  • unconscionable conduct, and
  • unfair contract terms.

Clients value our team’s skill at delivering practical compliance training for their staff that translates directly to their organisation and attendee’s roles. 

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