The New South Wales decision Gerrard Toltz Pty Ltd v City Garden Australia Pty Ltd (in liq) (No 2) [2024] NSWCA 232 (Gerrard Toltz) and Victorian decision Owners Corporation 1 PS721535N v Team Building (Vic) Pty Ltd & Ors [2024] VCC 1633 (Team Building) have reignited the debate of whether the framing of a claim determines if it's apportionable.
An appeal against the decision of a local government to refuse part of a development application relating to a proposed self-storage facility is dismissed.
Colin Biggers & Paisley is expanding its respected insurance practice through the appointment of Chris Bresler as a lead partner of its enhanced property insurance offering.
The Victorian Court of Appeal's decision in Footscray Football Club Ltd v Kneale [2024] VSCA 314 (Appeal) revisited critical legal principles surrounding a sporting club's duty of care to child spectators attending its premises and excessive jury awards of compensation in historical abuse cases.
Creating safe workplaces and supporting strong workforces.
Legal professional privilege (LPP) is a fundamental legal principle designed to protect confidential communications, both oral and written, between lawyers and clients from disclosure to other parties involved in an action. However, there are situations which arise where statutory provisions require disclosure of certain information.