Colin Biggers & Paisley's Property and Insurance teams continue to grow, welcoming six new lawyers.
The Planning and Environment Court of Queensland has allowed an appeal against the refusal of a development application for a development permit for a material change of use for an 18-storey mixed used development.
An application for leave to appeal against a decision of the Planning and Environment Court of Queensland approving a development application for a development permit for a material change of use for a multiple dwelling residence in the Brisbane suburb of New Farm is refused.
A development application seeking a development permit for a material change of use and reconfiguring a lot (boundary realignment and access easement) to facilitate a senior's living community and golf course in Cooroy, Queensland, is refused.
The Planning and Environment Court of Queensland considers two appeals concerning development conditions imposed in a development approval which limit vehicle access to a site via a local road.
An application for the extinguishment of an easement providing for the access and enjoyment of light and air is dismissed because of the practical benefits to the benefitted property and any injury suffered by its extinguishment could not be adequately compensated.