Strategic restructures


Our Restructuring & Insolvency team works with public and private companies of all sizes and across a wide range of industry sectors in strategic restructures. This includes developing and implementing safe harbour plans, informal debt restructures as well as utilising formal insolvency regimes to implement the restructure. Some of our most successful restructures are not on the public record.

We have particular expertise in turnarounds. Apart from instances when companies are forced to enter voluntary administration or liquidation by their financial circumstances, a successful strategic restructure will leave a business stronger and able to continue to the benefit of employees, lenders and suppliers. Voluntary administration and appropriately constructed deed of company arrangement can be vehicles for positive change in directorship and shareholding.

We have an impressive track record achieving positive outcomes on some of Australia’s most complex corporate restructures. Our team knows there is no one-size-fits-all restructuring solution because every situation has unique elements. We dig deep, usually in constrained timeframes, to understand all the elements that enable us to recommend a structure that will achieve the best overall outcome. 


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