Strata & community schemes


Our property lawyers are fully conversant with the evolving legal and market issues relevant to the fast-growing strata, community and neighbourhood title developments that are so essential to meet Australia’s housing shortage. 

We fully appreciate the evolving nature of strata and community schemes and offer expert advice on all aspects of an owners corporation or community, precinct or neighbourhood associations (Community Schemes).

Prior to the registration of an owners corporation or community schemes, we provide advice on and assist with:

  • the titling, structing and staging of the scheme
  • drafting of management statements and by-laws
  • off the plan sales

After registration of a strata or community scheme, we provide expert legal services in relation to:

  • issues within the initial periods, including terminating the initial period
  • general or committee meetings
  • appointment of contractors, including managing agents, building or facilities managers
  • debt recovery, including under an agreement or for unpaid levy contributions
  • unit entitlements, including disputes about the allocation or reallocation
  • works, including authorised or unauthorised common property works, minor renovations and cosmetic works
  • by-laws, including common property rights by-laws and applications to invalidate by-laws
  • damages claims
  • insurance, including insurance exemptions
  • contract disputes, including management statement disputes
  • subdivisions
  • disputes with parties internal to or external to the scheme, including, disputes with lot owners, occupiers, contractors, neighbouring properties and other members of building management committees

We have experience in disputes involving strata and community schemes across all jurisdictions in New South Wales, including the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal and Supreme Court.

Prior to the end of a strata or community scheme, we can provide specialised guidance on the termination of a scheme or advise on the strata renewal process.

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