Life insurance


Our Life Insurance team has acted on a national and international basis for insurers and reinsurers, superannuation trustees, superannuation companies, as well as underwriting agencies, brokers and claims managers.

We are keenly aware of the pressures life insurers face in responding to the increase in life and Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) claims and the continued focus of regulators, and the public, to provide products that are fit for purpose. Our team helps life insurers deal with these issues and provide advice in the areas of policy, regulatory, compliance, governance and claims. 

Our team is fully conversant with the life insurance industry’s regulation, governance, compliance requirements and has extensive claims experience. We know our clients’ products and have advised on non-litigated and litigated death, TPD, income continuance and trauma claims. 

We also regularly develop and deliver training and education to clients and industry bodies and provide outsourced in-house counsel solutions.

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