State Government

State Government


Colin Biggers & Paisley is a member of the New South Wales Government Legal Services Panel and works with Queensland Government agencies via our appointment to the WorkCover Queensland Legal Panel and the Local Buy Arrangement.

Working with government is a core capability of our team, where our service delivery is built on our understanding the accountability of the environment within which public sector entities operate. 

Our team provides state governments with a full-service offering. Our depth of experience in advising on construction and infrastructure projects and related dispute resolution elevates our team’s value to government. Few firms match our experience in advising on complex construction projects that require a detailed knowledge of planning and environment laws in the stages that precede a project getting off the ground. 

In infrastructure projects, we have assisted government to acquire property under the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 (NSW). This often involves multiple stakeholders, so we carefully manage the various stakeholder relationships to achieve positive outcomes for all parties.

Our work in advising consultants and contractors on linear infrastructure has led to us being engaged by government as part of their project teams. 

Major projects are rarely delivered without disputes arising. Our team has helped resolve disputes as diverse as those involving variation claims on wharf, rail and major building projects to the legitimacy of payment claims for the salvage, destruction and disposal of abandoned and derelict sea vessels.

Our technology and AI team assists government to procure technology solutions that optimise their operations. Our employment and safety team advises on everything from safety investigations and litigation, coronial inquests and inquiries to discrimination and unfair dismissal claims.

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