Federal Government


We are proud to advise the Australian Government as a member of its Whole of Government Legal Services Panel. Our team of government lawyers understands the economic, ethical, legislative and policy frameworks of government. We have a long record of success advising on a diverse range of government work. When advising government, we see our purpose as being problem solvers and time savers.

We appreciate the complex legal, commercial and political concerns at play when advising the Australian Government. We advise on issues relating to:

  • employment and industrial relations, workplace health and safety and compensation, damages and personal injury
  • contract law and governance
  • procurement and probity
  • insurance policy and claims
  • technology, information and communications 
  • insolvency, bankruptcy and debt recovery. 

Our team assists the Australian Government to address workforce and specialist corporate and commercial issues in a way that balances legal, financial and policy considerations with reputational risk and public sector values. 

Working with government is a privilege that our firm values. We are committed to providing robust, legally correct and defensible advice that enables decisions to be made confident in the knowledge that we have considered every relevant risk and countered it.

We focus on providing advice that supports the important work of government employees. We appreciate the time pressures and constraints they work under and do everything within our control to assist them to fulfil their responsibilities.

Area of focus

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